رسالة دكتوراة

حصول أ. همام حمدي الأغا على شهادة الدكتوراة


عمان- الأردن- حصول أ. همام حمدي عودة الأغا على شهادة الدكتوراة في نظم المعلومات الإدارية من الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم المصرفية، وألف مبارك


Thesis Title: “The Effect of IT Governance Maturity and Mechanisms on IT Governance Performance: An Empirical Investigation toward a Conceptual Framework”.

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Firas Alkhaldi, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.

Thesis Description: This study examines empirically how the maturity of IT governance domains and the existence of IT governance mechanisms influence IT governance performance (i.e. effectiveness of IT governance) to develop a conceptual framework for effective IT governance. Such knowledge gaining from this research can help practitioners and researchers to focus on the most important IT governance domains and mechanisms that positively influence the effectiveness of IT governance.


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