Hamdi and Shahd
Contact Information
Emirates College of Technology, P.O. Box 41009 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Office Tel.: +971 (2) 6266010, Ext. No. 223
Mobile : +971 (50) 9321248
Fax : +971 (2) 6815415
Email: humam7783@yahoo.com
2005 – 2010:
Ph.D. in Management Information Systems
Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Amman, Jordan.
2000 – 2002:
M.Sc. in Computer Engineering
Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (T.R.N.C), Turkey.
1996 – 2000:
B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, T.R.N.C, Turkey.
* The medium of instruction at Eastern Mediterranean university and Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciencesis ENGLISH.
Work Experience
2007 – till date:
Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Full-Time IT Coordinator & Lecturer at Faculty of Information Technology
Course Leader and Coordinator for Management Information System (MIS) Course:
Main responsibilities:
Developing and updating the Course Syllabi,
Updating teaching materials( text book and course handouts),
Ensuring unification of teaching materials among all instructors teaching the same course,
Ensuring high quality of the assessment instruments( tests, assignments, group-works, and model answers),
Evaluating the assessments instruments of the instructors.
Teaching Management Information Systems, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, and Introduction to Web Development.
Instructor’s Portfolio Development based on the requirements of the ministry of higher education.
IT Courses Development (Course Syllabus, and Course Materials for other IT courses)
Student Advisor.
2002 – 2005:
Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine.
Full-Time IT Lecturer at Faculty of Information Technology
1. Teaching E-Business, Knowledge Management, Management Information Systems, Operating Systems, Systems Analysis and Design, Logic Design, and Data Structure Courses.
2. Chairman of the Committee of Strategic Planning, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza.
2000 – 2001:
Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (T.R.N.C), Turkey.
Research Assistant at Industrial Engineering Department
Duties: Teaching programming languages e.g. C++, C, and Java.
1999 – 2002:
Eastern Mediterranean University, T.R.N.C, Turkey.
Network and System Analyst at Computer Center
Duties: 1. Network analysis and measurements over an ATM network using sniffer pro 4.1 software. 2. Information Systems Analysis and Design.
Excellent in English and Arabic
Good in Turkish and Greek
Ability to teach ANd WORK WITH the following:
Information Systems Management, E-Business, Knowledge Management, Technology Change Management, Management Information Systems, Information Systems Strategies, Information Systems Security, Systems Analysis and Design, Software Engineering, Data Structure, Logic Design, Operating Systems, System Simulation, Expert systems, Strategic Management, and Programming Concepts.
C, C++, Java, and assembly languages.
H. Elagha and M. Shafee (2007), “On the Self- Similar Nature of ATM Network Traffic ”, Journal of Informing Science and Information Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 641-649, Informing Science Institute, Santa Rosa, USA.
H. Elagha and E. Abu Tayieh (2007), “IT Governance: New Perspective”, In Proceedings of the third International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT2007), Amman, Jordan.
H. Elagha (2006), “Investigating IT Governance: A Conceptual Framework for IT Governance Research”, In Proceedings of the third International Symposium and Exhibition on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering (ISEECE 2006), pp. 78-85, Nicosia, TRNC.
H. Elagha (2005), “Real-Time Video Conferencing over an ATM Network”, proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2005), pp.102-109, Amman.
M. Salamah, and H. Elagha (2002), “Analysis and Modeling of Multimedia Traffic over an ATM Network,” Proc. of the FAE Int. Symposium, pp.329-334, Gemikonagi, TRNC.
PhD Thesis
The Effect of IT Governance Maturity and Mechanisms on IT Governance Performance: An Empirical Investigation toward a Conceptual Framework”.
This study examines empirically how the maturity of IT governance domains (focus areas) and the existence of IT governance mechanisms influence IT governance performance (i.e. effectiveness of IT governance) to develop a conceptual framework for effective IT governance. Such knowledge gaining from this research can help practitioners and researchers to focus on the most important IT governance domains and mechanisms that positively influence the effectiveness of IT governance.
phd courses (36 Credit Hours)
1. Advanced Topics in Information Systems Management
2. Advanced Topics in E-Business
3. Advanced Topics in Knowledge Management
4. Advanced Topics in Technology Change Management
5. Advanced Topics in Information Systems Development
6. Advanced Topics in Information Systems Project Management
7. Advanced Topics in Information Systems Strategies
8. Advanced Topics in Decision support Systems
9. Advanced Topics in Database Management Systems
10. Research Seminar in Management Information Systems
11. Advanced Topics in Information Systems Security
12. Advanced Topics in Statistical Analysis.
Outcome Based Curriculum Development and Assessment. Delivered by Prof. Dee Cox, International Professional Development Consultant, Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, February 14 -21, 2010.
Assessing Quality of Teaching and Learning through Course Portfolios. Conducted at Continuing Education Center, Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, January 2008.
University Teaching Methods (15 hours). Conducted at Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, July 2005.
Youth Psychology (18 hours). Conducted at Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, August 2005.
Supervised Projects
Real-Time Video conferencing on the ATM sub network. 2000.
Comparative analysis of ATM switches architectures. 2001.
Performance analysis of a real-time application on the ATM sub-network. 2002.
Design and implementation of pre-registration program on the Internet. 2003.
Member of the Committee of Research and Development, Faculty of Information Technology, Emirates College of Technology, Abu Dhabi.
Chairman of the Committee of Strategic Planning, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza.
Member of the Committee of the First Scientific Day on Information Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza.